Monday, October 31, 2011

Frustration Anxiety Tension (The Fat City Workshop)

I have been finding this video that we have been watching in class really interesting. The examples of activities he gives are excellent! They really make a point- each and every one.

He emphasized that teachers need to fix these actions and sayings such as:

1."look harder"
2. bribe them to answer it right
3.take things away- recess
4. blame the victim "she's not trying hard enough"

"Motivation only lets us do the best of our ability and capabilities. Learning disabilities have little to do with motivation and has to do with perception.

Points that I took from the video:
-Reading comprehension- kids need direct instruction
-children with a learning disability, most times when they get in trouble they won't know what they did wrong
-Dysnoma: hard time finding that word on "the tip of the tongue"
-children with learning disabilities: quick to turn others in when kids make mistakes
-the importance of the gift of time- go erase the blackboard and give them time to think

I think that he gives really good activities that allow you to understand what it is like to be a child who has a learning disability which I find gets the point across rather than be lectured to.
I think it is important to put the child first though when talking about children who have learning disabilities. They are a person first and not a "learning disability child".

All images are from

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