Friday, October 21, 2011

Gender continued

On Wednesday's class we continued our discussion on gender and discussed


1. stereotypes: broad categories of expected behavior

2. gender bias

3. Sexual orientation

As a teacher, it is important to make sure that we are being good role models. That we are staying away from stereotypes, and avoiding gender bias.

I went to highschool in a small town and I believe that homophobia was very present in the school. I did not know anyone who openly said they were homosexual- but some people teased others saying they were. In my own experience, I have seen males be more homophobic than females in bullying. I think this may have to due with that as a unrealistic threat to masculinity or "the way men should be". I am not sure why this is the case- makes you think! Even when you ask these people-- they do not have a justified reason most times!

Teachers should have a no tolerance with homophobia and bullying. I think we can be good role models for the student and accept everyone for who they are. Step out of your way to talk to this student and make sure they know that there are people there and accept them--not change them.

All images are from

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