Friday, October 7, 2011


Kohlberg's levels and stages of moral development

1. Preconvential
a) Punishment "shouldn't do it because we could get caught and punished"
b)Hedonism "need to do what is necessary to get what I want" live off those highs

2. Conventional
a) "nice girl/boy" -want to be good, liked
b) law and order "it is illegal"

3. Post conventional
a) social contract "we are a community"
b) universal ethical

I find that I am at different stages of moral development at different times. I believe I have been at all the stages except universal ethical because that is a high level to compare myself to others. I believe I am a very morally sound individual and conscientiousness of what is right and about others feelings. I like the social contract level of the thought of "we are a community". I could leave more things outside without worrying about if it would get taken or not during the night if more people were at this stage of moral development.

All images were found on

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